International Journal of Pharmaceutical Erudition (IJPE) ISSN 2249-3875 is a peer-reviewed Medical, Pharmacy and Biomedical online journal. This journal is intended primarily to promote rapid publication of scholarly Articles and communication among Doctors, Pharmacists, Researchers, students and other health care professionals.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Erudition publishes articles in the field of Science such as Chemistry, Physics, Earth, Pharmaceutical Science, Environmental science, Mathematical and Statistical Science, Humanities, History, Political Science, Human geography, Geomorphology, Physical geography, Biogeography, Commerce, Business, Management along with the Engineering disciplines including Mechanical, Civil, Computer Science, Biological engineering, Agricultural, Chemical, Mining, Petroleum, Electrical and Aerospace engineering etc.
One key request of researchers across the world is unrestricted access to research publications. Open access gives a worldwide audience larger than that of any subscription-based journal and thus increases the visibility and impact of published work. It also enhances indexing, retrieval power and eliminates the need for permissions to reproduce and distribute content. IJPE is fully committed to the Open Access Initiative and will provide free access to all articles as soon as they are published.
Manuscript can be submitted online at (online submission) or via electronic mailing or alternatively